Configure an EC2 Instance

Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) instances are pay-as-you-go, resizable server resources on the cloud.
Configurations include setting operating systems (Linux, Windows, etc.), hardware requirements, networking (https/ssh access), and volume (storage). Volumes that can be attached to EC2 instances include Elastic Block Store (EBS) and Simple Storage Service (S3). Workflow adapted from AWS tutorial on launching a virtual machine

  1. Log into AWS account
  2. Ensure correct region is selected (e.g., us east N Virginia)
  3. Search and select EC2 in Management Console
  4. Launch and configure Instance
    1. Select AMI (operating system) - e.g., Linux AMI
    2. Select Instance Type - e.g., T2 micro (free tier)
    3. Configure Advanced Instance Details
      1. Configure Storage: add EBS volume
      2. Add tags to name instance
      3. Security group: allow web connectivity via https/ssh access
      4. Download Key-pairs for ssh and save in secure location on local directory
    4. Launch Instance
  5. Access instance
    1. Click on View Instances
    2. Copy Public IP address
      1. Access instance via CLI
        1. Putty
          1. Open key-pair pem file with puttygen and save private key as ppk file
          2. In putty, enter user name - e.g., us-east2@(instance IP address)
          3. In auth tab, upload ppk key
        2. Git bash
          1. ssh -i {path to your .pem file} ec2-user@{instance IP address}
  6. Terminate Instance
    1. In EC2 console, click on Actions -> Instance State -> Terminate