
Select Publications

Deyssenroth MA, Colicino E, Curtin P, Niedzwiecki MM, Mazzella M, Sumner SJ, Gao S, Su L, Diao N, Mostofo G, Qamruzzaman Q, Pathmasiri W, Christiani DC, Fennell T, Gennings C. Quantitative methods for metabolomics analyses evaluated in the Children’s Health Exposure Analysis Resource (CHEAR). J Expo Sci Environ Epidemiol. September 2019. PMID: 31548623

Deyssenroth MA, Marsit CJ, Chen J, Lambertini L. In-depth Characterization of the placental imprintome reveals novel differentially methylated regions across birth weight categories. Epigenetics. August 2019. PMID: 31403346

Deyssenroth MA, Gennings C, Liu SH, Peng S, Hao K, Lambertini L, Jackson BJ, Karagas MR, Marsit CJ, Chen J. Intrauterine multi-metal exposure is associated with reduced fetal growth through modulation of the placental gene network.
Environ Int. November 2018. PMID: 30125854

Deyssenroth MA, Peng S, Hao K, Lambertini L, Marsit CJ, Chen J. Whole-transcriptome analysis delineates the human placenta gene network and its associations with fetal growth. BMC Genomics. July 2017. PMID: 28693416

Kappil (Deyssenroth) MA, Green BB, Armstrong DA, Sharp AJ, Lambertini L, Marsit CJ, Chen J. Placental Expression Profile of Imprinted Genes Impacts Birth Weight. Epigenetics. July 2015 PMID: 26186239